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The decent Black "West-Indian" people see this 'black' man as a "Black-woman-hating, sell-out, Nigger". |
Who decides who is a good nigger and who is a bad one?
A racist newspaper called the Daily Mail, reported that a racist asian man, (a muslim), called a 'Black' BBC reporter a 'slave'. (Daily Mail staff have clearly been reading my blogs recently).
The racist asian man, was the brother of another racist asian man who had raped one woman, and who had committed a number of rapes and sexual attacks in Oxford, and the surrounding areas.
The incident, where the racist asian muslim had called the 'Black' man a 'slave', happened outside a magistrates court where the cameraman was attempting to speak to the police. The racist asian muslim, had deliberately got in the way of the cameraman, obstructing him in his job.
The racist muslim asian, was later arrested, when the incident was reported to the police by the 'black' cameraman. Strangely, the racist mulsim asian man, complained that the 'black' man was 'aggressive' and that the 'black' man was disrespected by whites because they had no backbone to fight back.
The racist asian muslim was convicted of a 'racially aggravated crime'. So good then, isn't it?
Well, noe because, the asian racist wasn't lying, he was telling the truth. Whites and their asian side-kicks, do see Black people as slaves. The animal was not lying. Remember this is the brother of a mass rapist, and he feels confident enough to tell the world, that "blacks are slaves".
However, I suspect that the 'black' cameraman, reported in the racist Daily Mail, is either himself a mixed-racist, or a 'trustworthy' ,'tame', 'black' man who is married to, (i.e. meaning for whites - controlled by) a white woman.
That is the only way, that a British newspaper, would 'accept' or 'belief', that a 'black' man (or woman) could be a victim. He has to have his 'invalid' statement verified by a white woman, or man. Otherwise his statement has no legal standing or meaning.
Which brings us to the issue of defines a 'good Nigger' and who defines a 'bad Nigger'. It seems to me, that the only person's hand' in which the gift of 'believablity' and 'truthfulness' are in, are the racist newspapers and their racist editors, racist judges, racist unions, racist magistrates, racist politicians, racist civil servants, racist local authorities, the racist police and the mother of all racists - parliament.
In plain tongue, "Good White Trash" - GWT's, the Good Old Girls and Boys of the Establishment.
Every body, (eventually) went up in arms because the 'good' 'black bwoy', Stephen Lawrence, was murdered by some white racists, (with their police connections). This was a terrible case. The law was even changed o reflect our shock and horror.
However, the GWT were unhappy. There has never been a successfully prosecuted race-hate case that involves a full Black person, in Britain, in the who of the history of the who 'race' industry in Britain,. Yes, I did say zero wins! No Black person has ever been identified as a victim of racism in Britain. In plain tongue, there is no such thing as racism in Britain.
There have been Black women, convicted or racism, and racially aggravated crimes against racist whites asians, and asian muslims, but never a case where a Black person has ever won, much been allowed to proceed with a race case in Britain, much less Europe.
So I decided to look at this issue of who decides! Who decides, whether a case goes a head? According to reports, the Prime, minister, and his idiot cabinet.
Hang on! Did I hear, that a case does not proceed on merit, or on the fact that the victim wants to proceed, but whether or not some anonymous fool called the prime minister 'agrees' that the case goes ahead. Did I find out that at that point the police, MI5 and MI6 start to 'investigate' the victim, and that the Director or Public Prosecution and Attorney General get themselves involved?
That means that the legal system, judges and magistrates are not impartial. In fact, that means that they are corrupted. Oh, what a suprise!
Apparently cases are 'decided' with the help of the likes of the racist Mr Paul Dacre, of the racist Daily Mail rag. If he (any old newspaper editor, that's scraped off the streets), decides that "the uppity, nigger, slave, bitch", 'Marcia' (the mythical medusa-like 'aggressive' 'Black woman'), is 'good', then she may proceed. Otherwise, give her hell!
This begs the question, who is the overall controller?There can be only one answer - their queen.
So so be it, their queen is our problem. Their queen needs to be addressed. Secret dodgy 'intelligence file' circulated far and wide, idiot, ignorant racist newspaper editors who are quite happy to flog outrageously false stories about Black , dark-skinned newspapers to justify their existence. And all to the glory of their racist queen!
And they want me to turn the other cheek on this one!
I have a conviction, based on trumped up charges of using 'racially aggravated" words, 'threats...causing alarm and distress...' etc.
In this case I lodged a complained against a group of approximately ten racist asian muslim men, WH Smith in Euston station, London, who, amongst, other things, called me a "Black bitch", a "Black Kuffir" and a "slave".
Instead of them being picked up, I was arrested, held for 16 hours without access to legal advice they were given cups of tea, the DPP, the attorney general, the PM were contacted. And then at the last minute I was informed that I was being charged, (which led to a conviction) of the aforementioned crime.
It may be of interest, to know, that the majority of people charged and convicted of this charge, are dark-skinned Black people. The most, noted (publicised) recent case, was a dark-skinned Black woman, who was convicted of the racially aggravated race-hate crime of "using words that caused alarm, distress, and threats, etc" for calling racist asian woman, a "coconut". Yes, you heard correctly, calling a racist asian woman, a "coconut".
The racist asian woman, ( a conservative), had pulled the plug on a slavery project, in Bristol, UK. The dark-skinned Black woman,had been (unbeknown to her) put under surveillance by MI5. She too was a elected council member. The Black woman had been filmed in the council chamber, airing her disappointment in the racist asian woman, since, she (the dark-skinned Black woman), had assumed that the asian woman considered herself 'black'. Since the racist asian woman was the final decision-maker, it was a shame that a 'coconut' had betrayed 'Black' people.
These convictions seemed to be aimed at labelling politicised, culturally positive, dark-skinned Black women as "terrorists". These spate of countless convictions of Black women, ( and no doubt men), happened after the UN and the British government had declared that they would fight anti-Black racism, would deal with bringing to book anyone in authority who promoted of encouraged crimes against humanity (including crimes of aggression, genocide and ethnic cleansing, etc).
And yet the UN and the British government, were operating as a joint criminal enterprise to kill off the argument of slavery legacy, reparations and repatriation. even to the point of falsely nameing every Black person in Britain a "Schizophrenic". A disease, that was checked during the medical checks, given to every Black person who came Britain, pre- and post world war.
Every Black person coming to Britain, had to be of perfect fitness and health. And yet, by process of osmosis, and living in White society, "every" Black, man, woman, and child is "schizophrenic". Therefore, this means, that Brixton and the borough are the centre of the world's maddest people. Lambeth has the highest number of mentally disordered people in the world. Lambeth is the Mecca of Maddess!
How could this be? This would mean, that everyone in WHO should be more than worried. But they weren't!
So lets look at the facts, who, historically are mad, and a bunch of schizophrenics - The British royal family of cause! Simple.
So, they are schizos, alll the Georges, prince Charles, Andrew, Eddy, Harry, Anne, their cousins, their children, the lot, and Black people, end up being labelled the thing!
The answer, is again deceptively simple, they want the Black caribbean diasporans, to stop pressing the argument of Slavery, reparations, etc, because the royal family of Britain, was the main people behind that ultimate crime against humanity. They done it!
Alongside, their aristocratic, and european cousins, brothers and sisters, etc. Did I hear something about the jews funding slavery? Did I hear something about the bankers? Did I hear that the Jews want a pound of my Black flesh like their criminal banker brother Shylock?
Oh, so that's why they want to defame, discredit and then identify 'all' Black people as 'mad'. Me thinks, we need re-examine who is really discredited - I think, the head of the 'firm' is the queen.
So tell, her to expect to see me soon.