Below, we see yet another Architectural competition. Very good!
But where are the Black English-born "West-Indians" of African-descent? I am becoming more and more angry to see that after the Brixton Riots of 1981, there are no Black English Architects of note that I am aware of.
And yes, I am familiar with the usual Black suspects on the field. What is the problem? Why is there such a level of resistance against "West-Indians", from white racist architects within universities and architectural firms. I've said it before and I'll say it again. This is a matter that requires a harsh approach. Tough love if you will.
Apparently, these white racist architects find it hard to "speak to" Black people. Yes, to "speak to" Black people! Universities. Doreen Lawrence, et al, are clueless about the subject and the minds of these elite professionals. Colonial white-colour dazzled Doreen Lawrence, can't seriously help me or any other sensible Black person. Colonials and slave-minded types, have been a hindrance to the entire Black race for years. I would estimate that these types have taken Black people back by 300 years. Enough is enough of these amateurs.
It takes Architect to know another. One either has it or one doesn't. And yes, it it elitist!
Hopefully, by next year, I'll see a Black Architect or project being advanced by the European Union, otherwise, I might carry out my threat and either enter or become a judge myself.
See below for the 6 finalists for the EU prize for Contemporary Architecture. This prize's Foundation is based in Barcelona, Spain:
Which scheme did you pick?
European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture / Mies van der Rohe Awards
The European Union Prize for contemporary architecture and the Special Mention for an Emerging Architect are awarded every two years.The selection for the 2011 edition of the award is ongoing. The award ceremony will take place on 20 June at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona, Spain.
Finalists of the 2011 Edition
The six finalists for this year's edition of the Prize announced by the European Commission together with the Mies van der Rohe Foundation are:
Neues Museum Berlin, Germany - David Chipperfield Architects / David Chipperfield (Photo by: Jörg von Bruchhausen) | Bronks Youth Theatre Brussels, Belgium MDMA – Martine De Maesenner Architecten / Martine De Maeseneer, Dirk Van den Brande (Photo by: Filip Dujardin) |
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MAXXI: Museum of XXI Century Arts Rome, Italy - Zaha Hadid Architects / Zaha Hadid, Patrick Schumacher, Gianluca Racana (Photo by: Iwan Baan) | Concert House Danish Radio Copenhagen, Denmark - Ateliers Jean Nouvel / Jean Nouvel (Photo by: Philippe Ruault) |
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Acropolis Museum Athens, Greece - Bernard Tschumi Architects / Bernard Tschumi (Photo by: Christian Richters) | Rehabilitation Centre Groot Klimmendaal Arnhem, The Netherlands - Architectenbureau Koen van Velsen / Koen van Velsen (Photo by: Rob´t Hart Fotografie) |
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About the Prize
The biennial European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture and the Special Mention for an Emerging Architect are awarded to highlight recent, excellent examples of architectural creativity of works which are less than two years old and to underline that modern architecture is socially and culturally rooted in European cities and is important in people's everyday life. The prizes are awarded for works in the countries participating in the Culture Programme.
The Prize consists of 60 000 EUR and the Special Mention consists of 20 000 EUR.
The European Commission manages the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture in cooperation with the Mies van der Rohe Foundation. The Foundation is in charge of organising the selection and the award ceremony of the Prize. The Mies van der Rohe Foundation was selected in 2008 on the basis of an open call for proposals as part of the "Special action" of the Culture Programme.
The Mies van der Rohe Foundation is based in Barcelona and is supported by a network of 15 architecture institutes and a committee of experts from 31 countries. (Website of the Prize