Marcia Kia Simpson-James.
Lee Jasper Junkie Gang-leader. Lee Jasper (left) aka 'The General' is widely acknowledged as the biggest criminal Gang-Leader in London and Manchester. Above Henchman Jasper walks beside his best friend former Labour Party, London mayor Ken Livingston. Crime-lord, Jasper offers to 'lick off' married asian Karen Chohan's "honey glazed c**t". Disgraced crack/coke-head Jasper claims he represents Britain's political 'activists' in planned anti-government protest. |
Top anti-Black police informer and MI5 agent, should be in prison as we speak, but oddly he has been left free to freely walk the streets of Britain, under the protection of the corrupted Met police.
This identity-confused mixed-racist, has, for years, latched on to the Black community, claiming that he is a 'community leader'. In gang circles, he is widely acknowledged to be their gang-leader, with ready access to ALL corridors of power.
This includes all the Labour and Liberal party operatives, was well as David Cameron, Britain's present Conservative prime minister. All the political parties are the one and the same body. They are all the same animal masquarading as three separate 'parties'.
But lets not tarry on the point too long.
This disgraced animal, [Jasper] has for years, duped many simple types, by giving the impression, that he can 'speaks for' Black youth. The reality is that Jasper is a cold-blooded police agent and murderer, whose modus operandi is to smear and destroy political opponents. He has an especial hatred for me. If plans had gone his way, he would now have been the MP for Kennington/Vauxhall. His fellow mixed-racist & co conspirator, the criminal, Chuka Harrison Umunna ( now MP for Brixton), clearly succeeded,(by arranging my reputation to be smashed to pieces - defamation, and my enforced disappearance) where he failed.
These corrupted half-caste individuals come from no-where and are natural-born criminals. No matter what they claim, the reality is is that they come from rubbish on both their mother's and father's side.
Unfortunately, this has been borne out with 'The General'.
Jasper, the biggest gang-leader in London, was recently found to head, run, advise or control at least thirty large, tax-payer funded, 'voluntary' organisations. Each and every one of them were, in effect, shell companies, used as fronts, to illegally accept large funds from the London Mayor's office and the LDA (London Development Agency).
Each and every one of these organisations were found to have 'lost' or 'stole' they money they received. The latest estimation is at least £20 million pounds. And yet, this uneducated corrupted miscreant is out on the streets causing havoc instead of being sent to prison serving a long sentence. This is incredible.
I remember, I myself had a close shave with this criminal (Lee Jasper) roughly . I had found that I was being pushed off a course by a racist university's senior staff.
I spoke to a few people and they recommended the 1990 Trust. However, when I arrived, I was told that several members of staff, that the 1990 Trust "didn't really DO anything". I was further told that if I wanted anything DONE I would have to set up an organisation myself.
This is how the Black Higher Education Watch (The BHEW) came about. I headed the organisation, as its director. I 'shared' offices with the 1990 Trust for some time. That relationship between the two organisations broke, when I realised that the 1990 Trust was a useless organisation being used as a political vehicle for Corrupt racist individuals, Lee Jasper and Karen Chohan. The Black workers were simply there as a 'front' just in case Black members of the public came in off the street.
The whole thing was about promoting racist half-castes and anti-Black asians. The leader of the pack on the asian side was Karen Chohan and her big fat 'waller' asian mate, based in Leicester and Leeds.
I addressed the legal problems of Black university students and staff. I won every case that was taken on. It appeared to me, that they were used to Black people, who did nothing. Where, in constrast, the BHEW was active. More and more people came to the BHEW and we won all cases. My name started to spread, and there was a cue of higher education legal clients. They only wanted me, and no-one else. I loved the work, because it was natural to win for me.
Lee Jasper, and Karen Chouhan, spent an inordinate amount of time "upstairs" alone. Since it was none of my business, and I had no need to go "up stairs", I never ventured there. However, if I was ever tempted to be curious, the 1990 Trust staff, made it clear to me, that they were under specific instructions NOT to DISTURB Lee and Karen, when they were "upstairs".
I soon stopped sharing the building, when a new (two days) racist asian recruit stole money directly from my hand-bag. I was shocked to see the response from Jasper and Chouhan. They 'clubbed' up with the asian thief, and backed him up to the hilt. It was at that point that I took matters into my own hands, and the guy confessed and begged for mercy.
At that, I decided that I could not be among racist, un-trustworthy, criminal-minded individuals. I was horrified that they seem to accept crime and criminal behaviour as 'normal'. They were casual about it. As they say, birds of a feather, flock together...thick as thieves and all that!
It was at this time that I decided, to break with the 1990 Trust and moved offices. That decision was due anyway, because on one visit, Lee Jasper came to speak to me. He sat down, with a confused facial expression on his face. He said "I hear you are winning cases left, right and centre...I hear you're popular. That means that your working...your doing a good job?" He was sweating, and shaking uncontrollably. He looked as if he was high on drugs. I felt concerned for my safety. I later found out, that his drug-taking companions were Karen Chouhan, and a woman called Arlene Mundle. Lee Jasper was using his own product - drugs! I was shocked to discover, that Lee Jasper was a state-sponsored drug-dealer.
Lee Jasper is a drug supplier, who has the blessing and backing of the British government and the British press. Who can claim, they are doing something to repair 'broken britain' or write up some kind of horrifically racist story in their newspapers 'confirming' that ALL Black people are drug-taking, raping, criminal prostitutes.
But I won't linger here either, since the detail will go into my book.
But back to Jaspers shock at me actually running the Black Higher Education Watch (BHEW) professionally and winning cases. He was absolutely devastated! It was as if he had NEVER seen a successful Black person in his entire life. I wondered what kind of world he lived in. The criminal was gutted. At the time, I could not work out why he would say something like that to me. It was as if he were a combination of jealous and disappointed with himself and his 'crew'. Not one Black 'west-indian' person was supposed to move without either his or 'karen's' consent. I was a free agent working for my self and that NGO, so they could not say anything to me.
So, hence, I was NOT surprised to read, in the newspapers, about Lee Jasper's sleazy, slime-ridden affair with the anti-Black, asian, Karen Chouhan.
I was however, shocked and appalled to read about him sending sleaze-sodden e-mails telling this asian racist to "lick me" and "suck" him. I was sickened to read that the crack-head Jasper, in yet another sordid e-mail, to the married Karen Chouhan, , said "I want to lick the honey glaze off your c*ut".
My stomach was disturbed, by the image.
Married Muslim Karen Chouhan asked to "Suck & Lick" her lover, Lee Jasper's genitalia.
He sent her e mail pleading to "lick off the honey glaze" from her lower carriage |
So here we have it, the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service), DPP (Director of Public Prosecution), Brixton police, Lambeth council, the London mayor's office, as well as the entire British government and parliament, are proven to be corrupt.
I have no doubt, that the growth industry called "gangs", was promoted and advanced by these criminal half-castes, useless, uneducated Black men, the police (who supplied the guns from their "artillery" in the 'basement' of Brixton, police station. Think People traffiking, fake colleges, paedophilia, punitive psychiatry and medicine, drugs swamping the area, housing/planning contracts spread around to the police and their criminal mates, council tax overcharges, enforced evictions and gerrymandering on a grand scale. Any crime a person can imagine, the Lee Jasper and his half-caste gang-leaders are involved in.
Hence, these criminals are both afraid and loyal to 'The General' Jasper, as he is their state-backed gang-leader. And they want to reintroduce this piece of shit back into the Black community? The British government, has once again proven that they are the most racist government in the world.
And just to cap it all, when these state-controlled gang-members have caused havoc and chaos in the wider
community, this government, have their state-sponsored GP's and psychiatrists primed and ready to go, to label and 'treat' the 'damaged' drug-fuelled goods called the Black community. A damage, that Lee Jasper and his criminal types are fully culpable for.
The end product is that the entire Black Brixton west-indian community are now officially logged as having the highest rate per capita , in the world, of "schizophrenics". Yes, I said, "in the world".
So the drug-dealer, Lee Jasper, and his police mates, and the irresponsible older, slave-minded, abusive Black generation have succeeded to almost destroy an entire community, where slavery failed.
Genocide, I have began to start speaking about that yet, but that's in the book too!
Meanwhile, lets get rid of the Lee Jasper's of the the world, and eliminate them permanently and into perpetuity, so that they can not arrange for my enforced disappearance, or my extra-judicial killing at the hands of the SPG's Territoral Support Police Group.
If anyone should be scraped off the street and detained, it is the half-castes Lee Jasper and Chuka Harrison Umunna. Britain, if things go well, will NEVER, get a "British Obama", since he is corruption and these characters are corruption. But worst than that, these ignorant fools are racists!
And by the way, Lee Jasper can take his muslim whore and they can go and fuck themselves! Buy her a pay of Monica Lewinsky knee pads, so that she can really get down on her knees and suck properly, like the good muslim slave girl that she is. And whilst he's at it, Jasper should buy the little brown muslim girl's husband a pay of knee protectors as well. So that Karen Chouhan's husband can get down on his knees and 'The General' can screw him in his arse as per usual. Then at least the Black community will be safe, and these mixed-racist and muslim beasts will be occupied elsewhere.