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Friday 2 July 2010

Good Hair - The People love my long locks for religious meaning

Marcia Kia Simpson-James.

Today (Friday 2 July 2010) I was walking along, and I was stopped several times by mothers with children, who stood staring at me in deep fascination. They all had smiles on their faces.

Each child came running up to me, mouthing, "she has lovely long hair!".

Some of the mothers seemed surprised at their children's behaviour. Their children were completely ignoring them.

Some asked for permission to touch my hair. The young ones were allowed, the older ones weren't.

These children were of  every race and nationality. They seemed to appreciate the religious connotations. 

However, the children and young people's response to my 'good' Black hair, is sometimes in marked contrast to this sweet response.

I have been asked whether or not I have "glued" my hair on? If I have "crocheted", "knitted", "Sewn in", etc my long locks into my scalp. I have ended up, on several ocassions explaining to these 'adults', that I do not know what they are talking about, since I have never worn a wig, much less subjected myself to this kind of abuse.

The usual response is firstly shock, then disbelief, then admiration. The hardcore among their number may even add "I didn't know Black people's hair could grow long". This last one always leaves me stunned.

Since this is my second time around, I have mellowed in my old age, and sometimes, explain to those who are interested, that I am a Nazarite. A proper old-school Christian, with links back into the long-distant past, al the way back to Egypt and Nubia.

The people love it.

However, 'tis a pity other Black women feel so insecure about their 'natural' hair, that they feel compelled to wear, hair extensions, wigs, the lot, just to cover-up their god-given gift of Black hair.

I'm happy that I have always had the confidence to wear my hair in a way that represents me,  my religious and cultural heritage. I only wish there were more who did not wear their hair 'natural' because they had no choice, such as through putting acid on their scalps to 'relax' it, or  being forced to cut their hair off because they have 'superglued' Indian women's hair into their scalp.

Good Hair -You bet I've got it!