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Now Racist British Security firm G4S exports forced injections of Psychotic-causing drugs on Black South African prisoners. Black prisoners are rushed by 'NINJA' G4S security teams, and injected with madness causing, anti-psychotic drugs, Riserdol,
Clopixol depot and Modecate.
This practice, of de facto, extra-judicial
killings, and torture, has been used before against Black English people in Brixton, (Lambeth).
This technique of killing Black people
by stealth, has also been applied across the UK, in 'Black' areas such as
Birmingham, Nottingham,
Manchester, Tottenham, etc.
The British government has exploited
its immunity, by giving its blessing, for this torture and murder technique to now be exported to South Africa, against other Black people, across the world, by their 'prisons' contractor, G4S.
It is now time for the Black people to
start suing the British government and Lambeth council, who feel that they are "untouchable", and act with complete impunity against the British Black English community. The British government and Lambeth council, should be sued for gross human rights abuses, genocide, racial cleansing, torture and murder-by-proxy using GS4 and other spying and security outfits.
At present, Brixton's Black English
population is directly threatened by the racist actions of racist local white councillors and racist parliamentary politicians and peers, in the
British Houses of parliament.
Who are busy feathering their own filthy, sell-out nests.
The racist and mad British royal family,
have also given their blessing to the 'export', of this most heinous 'trade. Everyone, is 'mad' to these family of nuts. Prince Philip with attest to this view, since, his own mother was banged up, in a psychiatric, lunatic asylum for being a real, and certifiably insane, schizophrenic. Therefore, it is not Black people, who are nuts, but Our insane, white oppressors and their severely mentally impaired, and uneducated, freemason friends, helpers and 'mates' such as child-rapists, paedophiles and homosexual Jimmy Savile and Stuart Hall. |
PublicEye Corporate Responsibility Campaigns.
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
British Government Prisons' Contractor 'export' Murder and Torture 'Forced psychotic injection' Techniques Used on Black English Youths and Women, by Insane Racist White Politicians, Doctors, Social Workers and Psychiatrists, Against Political Opponents. Black Political Activists, Regularly Run the Risk of Attacks by Armed British Paramilitaries Entering their Homes and Disappearing them into British Prisons. All will be called "Schizophrenic" and Injected with Risperdol, Modecate or Clopixol to 'Tame' them.
Monday, 21 October 2013
Jimmy Savile Confesses to a Pre-emptive Attack "Policy" of Threatening Victims with the Old Baily of the Did not back offJimmy Savile Confesses to a Pre-emptive Attack "Policy" of Threatening Victims with the Old Baily if they Did not back off. Jimmy Savile and Inspector Mick Starkey Also Visited Isle of Wight Childrens' "Paedophile-Victims Death Camp" Haute de La Garenne with 6 local Freemason Child-abusing Cllrs.
![]() Queen's Flies Flag at half mast as mark of respect for Jimmy Savile at Buckingham palace. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jimmy Savile paedophile child rapist in cheap & gaudy flat. ![]() "Child Murderer, Fixer & Trafficker" Jimmy Savile was recorded in a 2009 police interview transcript (released by Surrey police in October 2013) as confessing that he was a "Doctor of Laws...not a fake one, but a real one, with the title behind my name LOD". Paedophile-sodomite Jimmy Savile shockingly described how he was such a senior Freemason, that he could "Fix it", "Order it" & Command" the PROTECTION of the sickest and most dangerous paedophiles and homosexuals in the country, by using his royal, legal, parliamentary, medical, psychiatric, local authority (council), police, paramilitary and civil service connections. ![]() Prince Charles, Lord Louis Montbatten and Prince Philip, are all accused of being strong, and long term child-abusers, and buyers of children. ![]() Odd-ball, senior Freemason Jimmy Savile with one of his perverted "Lady" helpers at his Scottish home where he entertained Prince Charles. Savile explained that he could "guarantee" that he could get any Freemason paedophile-homosexual "off" any criminal charge or any allegations of child-sex abuse in any British court. He said that he could guarantee that they would never be convicted or lose a libel case in any British court. Savile also confessed that as a Freemason, he was known as being a "Doctor of Laws - with the letters LOD" after his name. He said that he had total "control" over some of the most senior judges in the country. He explained that through Freemasonary and his Friday morning "club", he could even control Judges at the Royal Courts of Justice and the Old Bailey. ![]() ![]() Jimmy Savile Seen here trying to pass himself off as a knight in shining armour. ![]() Dangerous Psychopath Jimmy Savile Naked and shameless in bed, with the cigars in used to sexually abuse both little girls in their vaginas and little boys in their anuses. ![]() Jimmy Savile - Sick sexual predator Look at this picture where Child-rapist Savile is about to attack a terminally ill little girl ![]() Jimmy Savile - Goldrush! Picture of Freemasonary's most senior hands. Child-rapist, Savile, is seen here, wearing his gold trinkets to attract children like the pied-piper. |
Friday, 18 October 2013
Top Freemason Jimmy Savile Protected by Freemason police "Body-Guards" and prince Charles.
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Jimmy Savile (on the left in track suit). - Laughing - Mad, Violent, and Dangerous, Child-raping, Psychopathic, Schizophrenic, takes picture with his protective "Bodyguard", former Met & West Midland's police officer Inspector Mick Starkey, in front of rape-vehicle Rolls Royce where they plotted their crimes together. Sick Starkey used to drive Paedophile Jimmy Savile From Broadmoor top Security mental hospital for the Criminally insane, to Duncroft children's home, in Staines, especially so that he could freely rape and sexually abuse the most vulnerable children in the country for cheap kicks. It is now feared, that Savile and Starkey, may have gone as far as releasing child-killers and women-murderers, from Broadmoor, so that Savile could get his rocks off, whilst watching these madmen secretly raping, the girls who lived in what Savile referred to as "posh" children stately care homes he referred to as "Borstals" in his 2009 police statement. Certifiably insane, Jimmy Savile was a close friend of the royal family, including prince Charles. Child-rapist, Jimmy Savile, was also a top ranking Freemason, who used dirty tricks, like making false claims against his innocent victims. Including calling them pathological "liars", falsely claiming that his child-sex abuse victims were "mad" or "weirdos" and falsely claiming that they should not be believed because they were on "flights of fancy" or "fantacists". Deferential police officers, kow-towed to certifiably insane Paedophile Jimmy Savile, and even interviewed him in his "offices" in Broadmoor hospital, where he was supported by his sick in the head "body-guard". |
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Prince Harry's Girlfriend Unmasked as Secret Sex Freak Gang-banger Who Offered Sex for Votes at University Whilst Wearing Superwoman Outfit.
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Happy customers. Here are some of prince Harry's girlfriend's, Cressida Bonas, special Gang-banger student 'mates' that she offered 'special favours' to for Votes. She knows the score! |
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Cressida Bonas (circled). Cressida and her friends "Put out the cry" on a Bull-horn, to broadcast their sexual talents for gang-banging, mass orgy sessions. |
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Cressida Bonas likes Gangbangers. Evidence shows that prince Harry's girlfriend, is no sexual prude. She is known for public sex performances, knowing prison bad-boys who have group Sex and who do drugs for cheap kicks. |
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Cressida Bonas. Said to be an exhibitionist who happily gives blow-jobs to boyfriends in front of 'friends'. |
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Cressida Bonas (on the left). Swinging Party animal 'Cressy' Bonas, likes to experiment with substances and girls. |
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Prince Harry. he's loving it. Is prince Harry a secret perverted Voyeur?! |
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Cressida Bonas. Shock-waves have gone around the royal family as it has been discovered that prince Harry's secret girlfriend, sexual Tiger, Cressida Bonas, has been offering secret gang-banging sessions to groups of white university students whilst wearing a 'Superwoman' outfit. Her costume implies that she has the special gift of being able to go on and on and on and on having sex without a break! |
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Black People Say - Now is time for House of Lords to Be Closed and Replaced With a More Representative Body. 3 Colonial, Nigger, Sell-Out Slaves Welcomed into the Slave-House. The Slave, Doreen Lawrence, Swears an Oath to Her Slave-Master the Queen, as she is 'accepted' into Racist House of Lords. Slave, Ms Lawrence, was Supported by a Nigger-with-a-White-man, called Floella Benjamin & Sexual Pervert, Paul Boateng - a Racist, "West-Indian"-hating, Half-Caste, Druggist, Cross-Dresser.
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3 Black-hating, Sell-Out, Stoodges. Doreen Lawrence; cross-dressing half-caste Paul Boateng and 'slave-girl-with-a-white-man' Floella Benjamin are welcomed into the British parliament. A body recognised by all Black people, as as the most racist legislature in the world.
Monday, 14 October 2013
Dark-Sinned Natalie Rowe - Poor Black Woman - Maliciously Targeted by corrupt British Politicians, Judges and Police for Political Reasons. Former Prostitute & Torture Sex Madam to British Top Elite, Subjected to Death Threats for Publishing Her Account of Politicians and Judges corruption & Secret Sexploits. Black Woman Has Secret Baby With David Cameron's Top Bullingdon Club 'mate', mega-rich landowner and cocaine-heroine addict, William Sinclair.
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Dark-Skinned Natalie Rowe |
Former Prostitute and Torture Madam to
Bullingdon Club Members, including UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osbourne, subject to judicial abuse of power.
Bullingdon Club Members, including UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osbourne, subject to judicial abuse of power.
Who and where are the Judges and magistrates who held secret court hearings, to issue secret arrest warrant, to raid this Black woman's home using the pretext of drugs misuse?
Ms Rowe, (A Black woman who has a
secret baby with Osbourne's mega-rich
friend, William Sinclair), is scared that the
revelations she will expose, in her
soon-to-be published autobiographical book,
will rock Britain's Establishment and
white, anti-Black, racist, elites' world to
its foundations.
Natalie Rowe who used to be known as
"Madam Whiplash", and the "Madam of
the House of Pain", (whose real name
is Shirley), used to run an sex-trading
company called "Black Beauties", where
she used to supply Britain's racist,
anti-Black, Establishment, (including
British royalty, British top politicians
and super-rich businessmen like
Nat Rothschild), with the most delectable,
Black women, for sickening sex and
torture games, for large payments of
cash and jewels.
Ms Rowe, used her large Chelsea house, for torture and "Slave" sessions, where these top, white, Establishment, racists (including some of
Britain's top judges and barristers), would
beg to be treated like "Slaves", to be
whipped, raped, flogged, lynched, sexually
abused and tortured, "Just like Black people".
Ms Rowe, (A Black woman who has a
secret baby with Osbourne's mega-rich
friend, William Sinclair), is scared that the
revelations she will expose, in her
soon-to-be published autobiographical book,
will rock Britain's Establishment and
white, anti-Black, racist, elites' world to
its foundations.
Natalie Rowe who used to be known as
"Madam Whiplash", and the "Madam of
the House of Pain", (whose real name
is Shirley), used to run an sex-trading
company called "Black Beauties", where
she used to supply Britain's racist,
anti-Black, Establishment, (including
British royalty, British top politicians
and super-rich businessmen like
Nat Rothschild), with the most delectable,
Black women, for sickening sex and
torture games, for large payments of
cash and jewels.
Waddesdon Manor where crazy,white supremacist Jew, Nat Rothschild, who was once described as "Mad & Disruptive" , (who likes to hold secret meetings in MonteNegro with sleazy homosexual 'Lord' Mandelsohn and George Osbourne), once threatened to have a business rival, Sami Tam, sent to prison in London. Vile Rothschild played sick secret "Slavery" and "Lynch-the-Blacks" party games with Dark-skinned "Black Beauties" prostitutes for cheap kicks. |
Ms Rowe, used her large Chelsea house, for torture and "Slave" sessions, where these top, white, Establishment, racists (including some of
Britain's top judges and barristers), would
beg to be treated like "Slaves", to be
whipped, raped, flogged, lynched, sexually
abused and tortured, "Just like Black people".
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DOMINATRIX Natalie Rowe Forced to turn to prostitution due to racism against Black women as head of the Household. She has been Maliciously targeted by sectarian, British paramilitaries. |
In a bid, too intimidate and harass Black
women into silence, and stop them from
speaking up against, or talking about British
elite, anti-Black, racism, the British
government illegally use secret courts to
issue secret illegal warrants, so that
they can "get" at their victims.
During the corrupt Wednesday 2 Octoberthey can "get" at their victims.
2013, dawn police raid on Rowe's flat,
Met police paramilitaries locked her in her
own living room, whilst they searched her
home for 2 hours, without finding anything.
However, they did take the time, to remove
the manuscript of her book, taking "copies"
for "their records".
Before they left, they also threatened
to kill her, if she "opened this
can of worms".
This is yet another example of the
style of violent police paramilitary attacks
being carried out against Black women
and children in the UK.
This is how they "get" their victims.
Nat Rothschild The Black-hating Racist! White supremacist Jew, who secretly used Dark-skinned, Black women for perverted "Torture" and "Black Lynching" sex games. Mad, fixated and obsessed Rothschild, telephoned Madam Whiplash to apologise, when his Black-hating Bullingdon Club 'mates' refused to pay the Black prostitutes after the white men humilated the Black women, by "buying" them off the "Slave blocks" , then forcing the women to perform dangerous S & M, "ligature-bondage" activities and agonising autoerotic asphyxiation exercises. |
Using the racist pretexts (lies) that the
Black woman are "lippy", "troublemakers",
who are anti-white "racists"(i.e. "Black
'West-Indian' terrorists"), drugs-mules,
prostitutes, drug-dealing criminals,
drug-addicts or mentally ill, the British
power elite believe they are "untouchable".
Now it is clear for all to see, that Britain
is one of the most racist, anti-Black,
countries in the world. Black women
and children vulnerable to gross violations
of their Human Rights, at the hands,
of British Judges, Magistrates and
paramilitary police.
The levels of racism, harassment and
intimidation of Black women, and
children is so high, that it now
involves the medical profession, where
doctors, are used to illegally "section"
Black women under the Mental Health
Act, for medical experiments.
Any effective Black woman, who is
politically active, interested their own
community or prepared to come forward
as possible witnesses in court cases,
or inquiries, is immediately maliciously
targeted for attack and gross state abuses.
This usually involves, physical and
psychological abuse and torture. The
British government, usually sees to it,
that the Black women is charged and
convicted of some outrageous
crime, that is so offensive, that no-one
is prepared to 'defend' her.
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Lady Jet Black British Barbie. Poor Black Woman reduced to prostitution due to high level of anti-Black racism in the UK. 'Lady Jet Black', was unfortunately convicted of "racism" against an extremist, sexist, racist, Black-hating, taxi-driving, Asian, Muslim man. |
This is to "discredit" her and
"discredit" what little reputation she
may have left.
"discredit" what little reputation she
may have left.
Then she is shunned and shamed,
by the British state apparatus and
its agents, who permanently isolating
her from her friends, by harassing
them and smearing her name.
And then she is "finished off",
by some scandal, which makes her
permanently unemployable, and
so permanently poverty-stricken.
The world should know, that the
corrupt British police paramilitaries
are now so confident in carrying
out their illegal activities and crimes of
aggression against humanity, that they
think that they are "untouchable".
We have to stop these internationally
recognised "collective punishment"
crimes against humanity being carried out
against Black women and Children, by
the British state.
They are getting away with murder,
Obstructing the Course of public Justice,
Perverting the Course of Public Justice
and misconduct in Public office.
ALL corrupt and the most dangerous of
crimes against any decent society.
Dark-skinned Black women and children,
from disadvantaged backgrounds in Britain,
are some of the most vulnerable people
in society.
The British state is now culpable for
these crimes against people, who
are the descendants of slaves.
These international crimes go on,
unhindered, and are actively promoted
by representatives of the British state,
to the point where the criminal
perpetrators - the judges, magistrates,
elected officials, politicians, civil servants,
and local authority personnel - are
unconcerned, that they will ever be caught,
much less, held to account, or imprisoned
for these grave crimes.
It has reached the point now, that
these corrupt criminals do not even
bother to hide their sickening activities
from the world any more.
They must be stopped immediately and
held up to ridicule and seriously punished.
by the British state apparatus and
its agents, who permanently isolating
her from her friends, by harassing
them and smearing her name.
And then she is "finished off",
by some scandal, which makes her
permanently unemployable, and
so permanently poverty-stricken.
The world should know, that the
corrupt British police paramilitaries
are now so confident in carrying
out their illegal activities and crimes of
aggression against humanity, that they
think that they are "untouchable".
We have to stop these internationally
recognised "collective punishment"
crimes against humanity being carried out
against Black women and Children, by
the British state.
They are getting away with murder,
Obstructing the Course of public Justice,
Perverting the Course of Public Justice
and misconduct in Public office.
ALL corrupt and the most dangerous of
crimes against any decent society.
Dark-skinned Black women and children,
from disadvantaged backgrounds in Britain,
are some of the most vulnerable people
in society.
The British state is now culpable for
these crimes against people, who
are the descendants of slaves.
These international crimes go on,
unhindered, and are actively promoted
by representatives of the British state,
to the point where the criminal
perpetrators - the judges, magistrates,
elected officials, politicians, civil servants,
and local authority personnel - are
unconcerned, that they will ever be caught,
much less, held to account, or imprisoned
for these grave crimes.
It has reached the point now, that
these corrupt criminals do not even
bother to hide their sickening activities
from the world any more.
They must be stopped immediately and
held up to ridicule and seriously punished.
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Was Black Female, Disabled, Head Injury Victim, Targeted, Murdered and Defamed by Washington Police? The Disturbing case of Shot-to-Death, American Black Woman, Miriam Carey's Death Being Applauded in Congress on Capital Hill, Washington. White Press say Black Woman was "Obsessed" with half-Caste, Barack Obama and Was also A Highly Medicated Schizophrenic, with A Young Baby Daughter.
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Miriam Carey (A Dark-Skinned Victim of anti-Black Ops). A disabled Black woman, with head injuries was killed on Thursday, (3rd October 2013), during car chase around White House and Washington's Capital Hill. She was killed in a hail of bullets, whilst her 18 month old baby sat in the back seat? Why? The American press report that she was "schizophrenic" , with a family history of mental illness. Question - What kind of dangerous 'mental illness' drugs and medications are being 'doled out' to 'Stressed' Black victims of racism, that causes violence or aggression in those Black patients? ![]() IS this part of the Black Ops scheme that includes the crime against humanity known as 'collective punishment'? And why would the American Press label Miriam Carey, as "Obsessed" with half-caste American president Barack Hussein Obama, who is presently presiding over the bankruptcy and closing down of America? |
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Black American Trayvon Martin - An Innocent Dark-Skinned Black Child Murdered for Eating Sweets By a Racist, Anti-Black, Black-hating, Jew-Dog Called George Zimmerman.
Travon Martin
Murdered by a white hispanic
racist, anti-Black Jew.
Black children cry out
Beautiful Black Baby has to beg the white man and
woman for her life to be spared. "Please don't
shoot me dead like the other innocent Black child
called Trayvon Martin - I was only eating sweets!"
Monday, 27 May 2013
Nigerian Woolwich Terrorist Killer - Michael Adebowale - Connected to 'spying' Establishment' Nigerians In Britain's Parliament & Across the World. Papers Reveal Global Extremist, Suicide Bombing Links, with Asian, African and Arab Terrorist Groups. Public Concerned That Dangerous, Racist, "Tribal" Nigerians, are Left Free to Spread their Terrorist Polemic & Terror Networks. Young and Vulnerable Black Boys Maliciously Targeted By Them, Across Brixton, London (Lambeth, Southwark, Greenwich), and The Rest of the UK.
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MI5 attempted to recruit fantacist Nigerian Terrorist - Michael Adebowale - to spy on Britain's Brixton & London "West-Indian" community with his 'spying' Nigerian, probation service mother, 'Julie' Obasuyi, and sinister, Nigerian Embassy Employed father, spy "Mr Adebowale". Public want to know the connections of Woolwich, Nigerians Terrorist murderers, Michael Adeboladji, Michael Adebowale, to British parliament, Chuka Harrison "Buster" Ummuna, Lord Victor Adebowale and 'Maria' Adebowale? Why do these people have similar Nigerian, tribal names to killers, who beheaded, Drummer, Lee Rigby, in Woolwich Street, this Wednesday? Nigerian community admit, schizophrenic Nigerian, terrorist, muslim , Killer, Michael Adebowale, was being 'groomed' by bitter Nigerian 'Richard Taylor' to become, MP for Greenwich in the next elections. Just as Black-hating, half-caste, Nigerian, homosexual, Chuka Harrison "Buster" Ummuna, was 'groomed' by the British government, senior civil servants, royalty, and MI5 to be MP for Brixton, even though Nigerians, have very little connection to the area. Brixton, is well known as an international hub, for the Black, Jamaican, "West-Indian" community. British government and royal family determined to 'rub-out' and racially cleanse Black-English community in 'gentrification' of traditionally Black areas of the UK. To be replaced by rich racist paedophilic aristocratic, "trustafarian" whites; racist Asians; racist muslims, racist immigrants and sell-out Africans, who sold Us into the historical trans-Atlantic slave Trade for a few beads, and wasted international aid to incompetent, racist and corrupt African and Asian foreigners. 'Cultured' Black-English Community are permanently blocked from all decent opportunities for high Honours by the wide-spread criminalisation of Black people by corrupt and racist para-military officers and corrupt, racist members of the judiciary; Black people are also barred, (on grounds of race, colour, gender, age, post-code, sexual-orientation, religious belief and social background), from accessing Justice and reparations, by killing off Black representative organisations; by the active promotion of child-sex abuse and widespread paedophilia; by denial of funds for legal actions and development; by the racist, biased and discriminatory actions of magistrates and judges; by strong and intimidatory attempts to 'convert' Black men and women into Sodomy & Lesbianism; by wasteful payments of Aid to African countries - which are directly detrimental to - Black-English victims of racism - by denying us our historical right to 'slavery' reparations monies that Black "West-Indian" descendants of historical slavery have already paid into and enriched the British Treasury for hundreds of years; false accusations of terrorism; by racist (esp. white and asian) - GP's and psychiatrists - personally profiteering from NHS contracts, & fabricated diagnoses of healthy Black people as 'ill', in urban areas; by pharmaceutical companies massively profiteering on false, repressive and defamatory accusations of mental disorder, against innocent and healthy Black people for racist and politically motivated purposes; kidnappings; disappearances; enforced evictions; inadequate housing; enforced debts; denial of benefits; by racist, British para-military police, through regular arbitrary raids, harassments and intimidations; by long-term permanent "Black Ops" spying operations, surveillance, harassment and intimidations of innocent Black people, by Britains racist, secret 'intelligence' services, secret 'security' services, and parliamentarians; permanent unemployment, no access to high quality education; hard-core torture, (i.e. both physical and psychological), and racial discrimination against dark-skinned Black-English women and youths who are fighting for, and seeking the right to self-development. Now Britain's, dark-skinned, Black-English community want Reparations for the crimes of aggression, crimes against humanity, war crimes, racism and slavery, committed against Us by the British government, their agents, parliamentarians, senior civil servants, their agents, 'the Church' and the racist British royal family, and their agents and representatives, (i.e. at local, national and international levels). In particular, reparations, imprisonment, compensation, and damages, are demanded, personally, of and from, the following named members of a top 'white racist clique' , known as 'The First Division' of Britain's civil service - all now members of, (or associated with), The Forfeiture Committee - 1. 'Sir' Bob kerslake; 2. 'Sir' Jeremy Heywood; 4. 'Dame' Helen Ghosh; 5. Sir Peter Housden; 7. Tony Blair; 8. 'Lord' O Donnell, (Gus O'Donnell); 9. 'Lord' Victor Adebowale; 10. Trevor Philip; 11. Baroness Ros Howells of St Davids; 12. 'Lord' Herman Ouseley; 13. * HM Eliazbeth II, Queen of Great Britain, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and her son HRH Prince Charles, The prince of Wales; 14. The Rothchilds & Goldsmiths; 15. 'Lord' Andrew Turnbull; 16. names to be added to be. * [Responsible person = Head of State] These racist, reckless, disreputable individuals, have brought shame, disgrace, and dishonour on the citizens of Great Britain, the UK, Europe, The Commonwealth and the United Nations, all for reasons of person enrichment & gain, and political hatred. This political hatred, has displayed and expressed itself, as anti-Black racism, leading to the endangerment of our personal and collective safety , as well as our personal and collective national security. This has been done, by the advancement and promotion a poisonous treason, causing great harm to the people and citizens of the United Kingdom, The Commonwealth and the world. Most recently, drummer Lee Rigby, has had his precious life, prematurely ended, as a result of their total ignorance, incompetence, and recklessness with other peoples' lives, well-being, and future. It is because many Black people, (just like soldier, drummer Lee Rigby), could have been saved from harm and death, by the aforementioned individuals, that these individuals are now brought to justice - for the good of mankind - before it is too late. END. |
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